
Greater Grace Missionary work in Balinguan in Mindanao Philippines
In February 2007 I traveled to Mindanao Island to visit some pastors and their churches. I was on my way to a small island called Camiguin. The ferry had just left so I decided to go for coffee in a little cafe while waiting for the next one. I had traveled all night and being a Swede, I have to have my morning coffee.
In the cafe I found Cheryl, whom I shared the Gospel with and she received Him right then and there. We had an amazing time together. God had really prepared her heart. After awhile my ferry came, and I had to leave. The same evening she texted me that her boss wanted to speak with me when I would return the following day with the ferry. She had heard what had happened and wanted me to come to her house and share with her.

I came back the next day and went to her house. A big lunch was prepared. She was so eager to hear. She told me that she and her husband had been searching for the truth for a long time, and could not find it anywhere. She ended up receiving the Lord, and immediately she called all her servants to go into the whole village and to invite everyone to come to a meeting two hours later. It reminded me of the woman at the well in Jn. 4. She wanted all to hear the good news. Well, the whole village came to her house. About 140 people. Many received Christ. I then stayed there for two more days.
What a miracle.......and all I wanted was coffee!

Some time later I went back a second time and stayed for a few days holding meetings and raps everyday. Gary Waple came with me. More and more people came. Now there is a good group there.

God is moving in Mindanao, Philippines, Asia!

P. Magnus
